Upgrade your writing level and develop your language skills in this 24-hour course designed for teachers and university students. Perfect your academic writing skills and be ready to write different essay types.
Stable internet connection
Headset with a working microphone
Zoom or Microsoft Teams
Who will you learn with?
Mr. Hamed Sherif

What's included?
Session 1 - Essay Writing Made Easy
- Essay Types: Learn about different essay types and what they need.
- Essay Structure: Discover the basic structure of essays and what should be included.
- Globalization Vocabulary: Acquire the vocabulary needed to communicate about globalization.
- Academic Alternatives: Know academic alternatives to common language.
Session 2 - Structure Body Paragraphs
- Academic Words: Learn about the right words to use for academic writing.
- Education Vocabulary: Acquire the vocabulary needed to talk about education.
- Comparison and Contrast: Understand how to compare and contrast in your writing.
Session 3 - For and Against Arguments
- Topic Sentences in Body Paragraphs: Build strong body paragraphs using topic sentences.
- Language Freedom: Free your language with various tools to communicate your ideas.
- Cause and Effect Language: Understand how to use cause and effect language in your writing.
Session 4 - Write a CV and a Cover Letter
- Professional Profile: Know how to write a professional profile that will stand out.
- CV and Cover Letter Genre Analysis: Understand how these documents are structured and what they need.
- Useful Phrases: Learn how to use different phrases to make your CV and cover letter stand out.
Session 5 - Write a Narrative Essay
- Topic-Related Vocabulary: Acquire vocabulary and use it to enhance your writing.
- Essay Organization: Learn how to organize your writing narrative so that it grabs your reader’s attention.
- Adding More Details: Learn how and when to add more detail to your writing to make it more engaging.
Session 6 - Write a Persuasive Essay
- Ordering Information: Understand how your information should be ordered to be effective.
- Language of Concession: Know how to use language to acknowledge opposing views in persuasive essays.
- Registration in Academic Writing: Master the formal language used in academic writing.
Session 7 - Write a Problem-Solution Essay
- Coherence: Understand how to structure ideas logically and use effective transitions between paragraphs.
- Formal and Informal Academic Words: Learn the right words to use in academic writing and how to differentiate between them.
- Phrases to Introduce Advantages and Disadvantages: Know how to introduce advantages and disadvantages and build a strong case for your argument.
Session 9 – CELTA Assignments
- Assignment 1
- Assignment 2
- Assignment 3
- Assignment 4
Session 10 – CELTA lesson plan
- How to write your aims
- How to complete the cover page
- How to complete the analysis page
- How to analyze language